Legion of Mary
The mission of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation in Mary's and the Church's work. Legion meetings focus on prayer, study, and work reports (spiritual works of mercy) from the previous week.
A Praesidium (a Latin word originally used to designate a detachment of the Roman Legion performing a special duty) is a unit of the Legion of Mary, made from 4-12 members. All Praesidia are attached to a parish, named for a title of the Blessed Mother, and operate under the supervision of the local pastor.
All are welcome to come and see! We have two active praesidia at The Basilica of Saint Peter:
The Praesidium of Our Lady of the Annunciation meets on Fridays at 10:30 AM in our Conference Room. Come to the front doors of the church office on Assembly at Taylor Street to enter.
The Praesidium of Our Lady of Good Counsel meets on Tuesdays from 6-7:30 PM in our Conference Room. The meeting is conducted in Spanish. Come to the front doors of the church office on Assembly at Taylor Street to enter. Contact Jennifer Schopf at jennifer@visitstpeters.org or 305-849-9628 for more information.