When May Weddings Be Scheduled?
Weddings at St. Peter’s may be scheduled on available Friday evenings at 6:00pm as well as on Saturdays at 11:00am or 2:00pm. (Note: we do not schedule weddings on Saturday evenings or during Advent, Lent, or on All Souls Day and Holy Days of Obligation. Other dates may be unavailable due to church events.)
The Rehearsal
We normally schedule rehearsals at 4:00pm or 5:00pm on Friday for Saturday weddings. Rehearsal for Friday weddings is at 4:00pm or 5:00pm on the preceding Thursday. The rehearsal will be limited to one hour. The bride and groom, all attendants, lectors and parents must be present and participate in the rehearsal.
It is absolutely essential that both the rehearsal and the wedding liturgy begin on time. Saturdays are particularly busy at St. Peter’s with sometimes as many as two weddings, baptisms, confessions, and the Vigil Mass. Therefore, we always start the liturgy on time to respect those attending and to prevent others from being inconvenienced. Please help us accomplish this!