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What you can expect at the basilica: Community and the coronavirus

One of the most important things we do as a parish is come together in community... for Mass and devotion, for fellowship, and for instruction in the faith. The Diocese of Charleston has issued guidelines in English and en Español about exercising prudence during this time of prevention of the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), while maintaining community. Read on to see what you can expect here at Saint Peter's and what you can do as a member of our Basilica Family.

We Will Continue to Celebrate Mass

Find our Mass schedule on the homepage of our website.

*We will live-stream our 9 AM Mass this Sunday, March 15. Watch online at our Facebook page:

Bishop Robert E. Guglielmone is granting dispensation for Masses this weekend to those who are a high risk for adverse health complications from COVID-19, or do not feel comfortable attending Mass. The Catholic Catechism (2181) allows you to miss Mass as a result of illness.

What to Expect at Church

  • We will place hand sanitizer at the entrance to the church for your use.

  • We have removed the holy water from each font. This will prevent the many shared touches on those vessels each day.

  • The General Services Ministry of our Hispanic Ministry will be cleaning the basilica this weekend with an added emphasis on disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

  • We will work to revise the format of our Mass handouts to make use of the hymnals unnecessary.

  • We will distribute one-time-use Mass handouts, as opposed to the handouts that are shared between the first three Masses each weekend.

  • Our suspension of distribution of the Precious Blood and the shaking of hands during the Sign of Peace will continue.

Daily, we will wipe down door handles and high-traffic surfaces with disinfectant.

What We Ask You to Do

  • Follow personal hygiene practices as recommended by the Center for Disease Control.

  • Please continue to make your weekly financial offerings, even if you are staying away for health reasons. Your support is critical to our ability to function always, and particularly as we work to adapt to new guidelines and best practices.

  • Give online

  • Text your offering to 803-281-3902. Text the dollar value of your gift and the fund you wish to support. Examples:

  • $100 for the Offertory: text 100 OFF

  • $100 for Preservation: text 100 PRES

  • Mail your offering to 1529 Assembly Street, Columbia, SC 29201

  • Pray for all whose health and livelihood are affected by the coronavirus and the life-altering measures taken to limit its transmission.

  • Stay tuned to our communications for updates or schedule changes:

  • Our website

  • Our Facebook page

  • These emails

  • And invite a friend to sign up at:

  • Our weekly bulletin

  • Announcements after Mass


Consider saying this prayer if you are away, or any time you abstain from receiving the Eucharist:

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already come, and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


Contact us at 803-779-0036 or

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Address:  1529 Assembly Street
               Columbia SC 29201

Mail:        P.O. Box 1896

                Columbia SC 29202

Fax:         803-799-2438

The Basilica is available for private prayer during office hours: 8 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Outside of Mass times, please come to the front doors of the church office (on Assembly Street, near Taylor Street, to enter. 

The Basilica of Saint Peter relies wholly on the generosity of our parishioners and friends to continue and advance our mission of helping people in the Midlands encounter Christ.


Saint Peter's EIN is 57-0350882. Please make your tax-deductible gift today!

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