Take History Home: the Pews of St. Peter's Catholic Church
For sale: antique pews from the Basilica of Saint Peter, formerly known as St. Peter's Catholic Church. These pews have seated the...
Join our team! Administrative Assistant for Faith Formation
The Basilica of Saint Peter seeks a part-time (20 hours per week) administrative assistant to support the Director of Faith Formation in...

Semana Santa 2022: Entren profundamente en la Pasión de Nuestro Señor
La Basílica de Saint Peter tiene una larga tradición de celebrar la Semana Santa y el Sagrado Triduo con dignidad y gracia. Nuestras...

Holy Week 2022: Enter Deeply into the Passion of Our Lord
Saint Peter's has a long tradition of celebrating Holy Week and the Sacred Triduum with dignity and grace. Our Holy Week observances are...

Regreso al Señor: Cuaresma en San Pedro, 2022
Únase a la Familia Basílica mientras volvemos al Señor con todo nuestro corazón, esta Cuaresma. Vea a continuación, las actividades que...

Return to the Lord: Lent at Saint Peter's, 2022
Join the Basilica Family as we return to the Lord with our whole hearts, this Lent. See below, activities offered at Saint Peter's meant...

Retiro de Cuaresma de 2022: No más un huérfano, sino un hijo de Dios
Viernes, 25 de Marzo - Domingo, 27 de Marzo The Basilica of Saint Peter Fortalece tu fe esta Cuaresma participando en un retiro especial...

2022 Lenten Retreat: No Longer Orphans, but Children of God
Friday, March 18 - Sunday, March 20 The Basilica of Saint Peter Strengthen your faith this Lent by participating in a special weekend...
Desde el escritorio del rector: Una nueva Directora de Formación de Fe
Queridos feligreses de San Pedro: El fin de semana pasado nos despedimos con cariño de Donna Tomasini, quien se jubiló después de haber...
From the Rector's Desk: Introducing a new Director of Faith Formation
Dear parishioners of Saint Peter’s: Last weekend we bid a fond farewell to Donna Tomasini who retired after having served 16 years as our...