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Vatican Councils I and II: What they were and what they were not!

Due to your responses and interest, we now have a date and time for the Presentation: Vatican Councils I and II: What they were and what they were not!

Sunday October 22, starting at 7:00 PM (following evening Mass) will be a light supper and the Presentation in Neglia Hall. Doors will be open at 6:45.

The purpose of this Presentation: our greater awareness of these Councils’ objectives and what they were addressing at their times in history and for the future of the Church. We were given gifts for our Faith from these still recent Church Councils. The Presentation is to offer us increased insight into how they make up newer threads in the tapestry of our Catholic Christian Faith. Please sign up as soon as you can. Either call or email Donna Tomasini in the Christian Formation Office at 803-779-0036 or

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