Registration opens August 5th for 2019-2020 youth and child Religious Education (CCD)

The Basilica of Saint Peter is pleased to open registration for 2019-2020 youth and child religious education to parishioners of Saint Peter's. Offering K4 through 12th grade catechesis in the Catholic faith, we are looking forward to another wonderful year of growing in faith with your family!
Registrations will be accepted through Monday, August 19th, after which they may be subject to a late fee (to cover the cost of expedited shipping of instructional materials).
You'll find downloadable registration forms and an online payment option on our website. Registration forms may also be found in the back of the church or requested through the church office. Return completed forms to the parish office.
For more information about our programs, please visit the Faith Formation section of our website:
Questions? Please email Donna Tomasini or Cecelia Donato with our Office of Faith Formation or call us at 803-779-0036.