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An important message from Fr. Linsky

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Peter's: I write to share the unfortunate news that I just received a positive test result for COVID-19. A few moments ago I spoke with my physician and have every hope mine will be a mild case but it will take a few more days to have that certainty. As he indicated, I could have been exposed at any time over the past week although I have no knowledge of having been around anyone who was positive. That being said, I did celebrate weekend Masses on Saturday evening in Spanish and on Sunday at 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. as well as on Monday. Given the distance from the altar and the very brief contact during the distribution of Communion before which I sanitized my hands and wore a face mask, I have every hope that I will not have brought any person participating in these services into possible contagion. Our guidelines suggest that one must spend at least fifteen minutes within six feet of a person who has symptoms of COVID-19 for them to be at risk which would rule out those attending Mass. However, out of an abundance of caution, staff members who have had more direct contact with me are being tested today. Thankfully, so far none have exhibited any symptoms. That being said, pending clarity on their test outcomes, the office and Basilica will be closed to the public on Wednesday, with limited staffing for phone communications. Further, we will cancel tomorrow's 8:30 a.m. school Mass, tomorrow evening's Rector's Class, and all appointments scheduled with me this week. We will continue to communicate with you if there are additional parish-wide activities affected. Individual ministry leaders (i.e. Religious Education) will reach out with regard to other scheduled activities and their status. Given all of this, I strongly urge everyone attending any event where I was present in the past week to monitor your health and seek care should any of the COVID-19 symptoms present themselves. I also ask your prayers that I quickly recover and that our parish community remains healthy and safe. Fraternally, Fr. Gary S. Linsky The Very Rev’d Canon Gary S. Linsky, V.F. Rector

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